Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy happy happy x 1000 Valentines day !!!!!! Wish all those who have their sweethearts with them that they live happily and learn to give and take. XD Here's a song dedicated to them, Can I Have This Dance by High School Musical.
So anyways, had a rather okay time at ACJC . The ppl in my OG are okay. Apparently one of my OGL is like my neighbour !!!! OMG !! SO SURPRISING LOR !!! I got into Fat Club again.........-.- Hiaz..... Lectures have already began and they are so boring !!!! I have no idea what the teacher is talking about for H2 Math lor. Then the physics teacher like cant teach at all lor !!! She is saying everything that was written in the notes !!!! Then whats the use of her being there ??????? Sometimes i miss Pioneer lor. The lectures there are like funny and more intresting lor !!! The teachers here cant be compared to them.
Haiz......... Anyways, me and Dr Lee met Ke Li near Coronation and we ate Mad Jack . The food was quite okay but not authentic but i guess it's good for students. After that Ke li came to my house watch TV cause he was too bored at home. We watched like iCarly and shows like that. He left at 5. Hugged him like 4 times . lol Oh yeah !! Visited him on Monday after school cause got like 3 and a half hour to do nothing.... Watched him play then after that watched an Anime with him, Gintama. It was super DUMB LOR !!!! I LAUGHED TILL I CRIED !!!! Hugged him many many times too. XD Then yesterday went with OG to watch The Notepad in school at the school basketball court. Alot of ppl turned up lor . Instead of sitting with them , i went to find Dr Lee and sat with him. The movie was quite nice lor!!! A girl beside Dr Lee was like crying the whole time. Lol. After that went home with Dr Lee. However Dr Lee need to pei his OG go KAP . I mean like it was like 10.30 lor !!!!! Hiazzzzz..... Have new maid now also. Hope wont have any troubles.
So anyways want to say this to my two bros : Happy Valentines Day !!!!! Dont forget that i love you two too !!!!!! XD

Ke Li house on Monday


Dr Lee eating ans using phone at the same time

Ke Li eating chicken with fries

Watch Tv till this position

There ! I told u so many ppl

Dr LEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 12:50 PM