Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Hiiiiiiiii ppl !!!!!!!! Have been gamling and playing ban luck (blackjack) these few days . M ade $24 on the first day and had 5 ban luck . Made $22 on the second day and had 2 ban luck and one ban ban XD . Then today played mahjong like siao like that
First went to Dr Lee's house and play then went to Ke Li's house and play. Suppose to go bai nian lor in the end played mahjong XD Learned how to play the tai one. OMG so difficult to win lor. I dont think i won a single round. Lucky never play money if not will lose like alot of money XD

Taicho !!!! Look how cool he is when he gambles !!!!

Ke LI gambling !!!!
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 9:51 PM