Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey guys, woke up at 8.30 and ate then immediately went to prepare yu sang . If u dot know how to make yu sang here are the steps to make a nice big plate of yu sang . Carrots only hor . The pickles , sauce and other ingrediants pls buy them from somewhere else.
Yu SangIngrediants
1. 1/2 White carrot
2. 2 orange carrots
3. 1 green carrot
Tools needed (Apparatus)
1. Peeler
2. Knife and chopping board
3. Shredder( manual one pls)
4. 3 huge bowls or containers
5. 3 or 4 packets of ice (clear plastic bags)
6. Cling wrap
7. A big plate
8. Coconut squeezer cloth

Step 1. Cut the top and bottom of the carrots.
Step 2. Peel off the skins of the carrots using a peeler as shown above and wash them.

Step 3. Using a certain amount of strength, push the carrot down over the blade so that the shredder will do its job.

Step 4. Shred the carrot till u reach the core of it then dispose it.

Step 5. Place the shredded carrot into a container and place one bag of ice in it.
Step 6. Fill the container till the water envelopes the carrot and let it be for 20-30 minutes.
Step 7. After soaking, pour out the water and dispose off the ice.

Step 8. Using the coconut squeezer, squeeze dry the carrots by taking them handful by handful
Step 9. Repeat Step 3 - Step 9 using the other carrots .

Step 10. After squeezing dry all three different carrots, Use the cling wrap and cover the final product to store till use.
You may be wondering why shd we soak the carrotin cold water and why not just eat like that. The purpose of soaking is to get rid of the carrot taste and smell so that the Yu Sang would not have too much carrot taste.
After doing Yu Sang, went to bathe and played xbox then played the rest of the day till like 5.20 before going down to meet the rest of the relatives who came to eat reunion dinner at my house. Ate alot for reunion dinner. Ate ALOT OF SHARKS FIN AND ABALONE. XD After eating, played with my second yougest cousin and youngest cousin. Sooooooo cute the baby !!!!!!!!! XD Anyways here's the menu:
1. Yu Sang
2. Sharks fin

3. Cold Dish ( topshell, Small abalone,Sliced abalone, prawn, mango, chopped onion and chilli, lots of nyo hiang and many more.....)

4.Pei Quay(Ginko nut) soup
5.Egg with sharks fin

6. Baked cod fish

7. Shitake mushroom, scallops , oysters and brocolli in oyster sauce
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 9:29 PM