Friday, February 6, 2009
Hey guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MADE IT TO ACJC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. AFTER 3 DAYS OF HOLDING MY PHONE TIGHTLY THE WHOLE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Started school at ACJC today. Was pratically attending intro lectures the whole time. You can like use phone the whole time inside lor and the teacher wont care. So good right ???? I really wanted to go to AC lor however now, im starting to miss Pioneer lor. I miss my new friends, the canteen, the brightness of the place and the tables which are scaterred everywhere, the cafe and the OGLs. My OGL inspired me to become one too. So next year may go sighn up to be OGL !!!!!
Anyways, during the peroid of time of anxiously waiting and waiting for AC to call, my bros have been standing by me, espacially Ke Li =D. He has been smsing me the whole time and encouraging me to not give up hope. REALLY REALLY WANT TO HUG HIM NOW !!! XD Dr Lee did did something, talked to him on the phone alot even though his answers are :" orh.. yes... mmm...." I love my bros !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

My Ex-OG

OGLs preparing for dance plus cheer
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 9:47 PM