Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hey yesterday was one of the best day ever (actually it was night)!!!! My house had open house and alot lot of people were invited, father's friends, mother's friends, sister's friends, brother's friends...... Basically there were alot of people !!!! I invited my best buddies/brothers, Dr Lee and Ke Li, and i also invited V along cause needed another person to play mahjong. Taicho was unable to come, i was so sad...... Ke Li came at 5 ?? and Dr Lee and V came together at 5 .50 ???? Quicly played one game of mahjong. During the second game, had to abandon game to go watch lion dance . Quite boring actually. After that Ate lots and lots of food !!!!! Was being a super glutton !!!! AFter that V had to go and then we continued 3 man mahjong . Spent most of the time playing with them and talking and also hugging them !!!! XD Dr Lee was super high and probably slightly drunk. Lols Had plenty of fun with them. Dr Lee was talking lots and lots of rubbish the whole time. Me and Ke Li were like staring at him the whole time. Hiaz. Nothing beats spending the time with your best buds/ brothers. Gonna miss Ke Li cause can only talk to him through sms and Msn only till the next party. Haiz

Lion Dance from balcony

Lion Dance upclose

Look what they spelt
Shen Ti Jian Kang
(A Healthy body)

MY BEST BUDS !!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:20 AM