Monday, May 4, 2009
Omg !!! Stoopid school !!! Change time table !!!! Now got two friday's slots !!!! ZZZZZZZZZ !!!!!!! So screwed up lor !!! Got three math lectures -.- !!!! Then school say " oh now because of swine flu we are gonna take temperature excerise TWICE per day !!! " *bitchy tone* Siao lor !!! She think she what !!! The head nurse or something ar !!! Lol !!! So lame lor !! must take twice one !! This is called over-preparing lor !!!! Swine flu not even here yet !!! Then they kick up such a ruckus !!! Lol !! Omg PW is freaking hard lor !!!! jUST spent the whole night trying to like do the thingies !!!! Bleah !!!!

Tempeature taking !!!
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:03 PM