Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hey guys ! Had an ok week so far. Passed my Chem test had 12/20 lor ! I was third in class somemore !!!! LOL !!! I never study somemore lor !!!!!! HEHEHEHEH !!!!!
School life has gotten better. Only obstacle is the huge pile of untouched homework which i simply cant be bothered to do lor. People have been taking my PSP and playing DJ max the whole time lor. I bring for myself to play one lor !!! Putting that aside, NAPFA 2.4 run getting better. So far running at 12.10 minutes. Yay !! Trying to get below 12 min now. Have been running almost everyday, go gym and run and do weights. Went today during my one hour break and there was this super scary man that was screaming/groaning super loudly when he was lifting the weights. i was like " shut the hell up !!! " the whole time !!!!! ARGH !!!!!
Made New specs !!!!! Hehehehhehe !!!!! Went with Ke Li on Monday to pick it up. Shared Omu rice with him then quickly went back home. Bought Durian fuge cake and my bro ate it all finish !!! ZZZZZZZZZZ
OK. Gonna have a good day tmr. ( hopefully ) Gonna watch Xmen with the bros, V ,WC and miss Tan. Then like slack off the whole day then meet the rest for dinner. Hope that everyone can come.
One last thing : 爱是一种很特别的感觉. Treasure it as though as it was your life. Happiness is the best gift man can possess. That if assuming they behave like a human to begin with.....

My New Dream Sword !!!!


DO i look weird ???

It smells nice ok !!!!

Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 8:43 PM