Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hey people !! Yesterday was the BEST AND MOST MEMORABLE BIRTHDAY EVER !!!! The thrill of having everyone there was really something to remember. I felt like i was the happiest and luckiest person on Earth. To have such great and 'wonderful-ous' friends is the best birthday gift anyone can have. =D Zhi yun dont laugh !
Went to watch X-men at Lido. Miss Tan went to help buy tickets first. THX MISS TAN !!! After that went to eat pepper lunch downstairs. Then went to Far East to go buy my bag, paid by jer and ben khoo. Was a super nice bag lor !!! Thx guys !! Then went to play pool at IRC at Bukit Thimah Plaza for like 2 hours. Had lots of fun !! YAY ME !! *Clap Clap Clap*
Then went to camp at my house for a while b4 going to a restaurant outside my house there named "Fortune Seafood Reastaurant" or as i like to call it "Red Lantern" coz of the many red lanterns hung everywhere. Ate ALOT !! Most ppl ate like GLUTTONS !!! Cept for V. I dont think she ate alot. XD THen went back my house again. Dr Lee and V left first. The rest started playing Rockband while Wong Chong was like playing bowling on jer's Itouch. Play play play till like 11.30p.m lor. Meanwhile , Leroy was teaching me how to play Guitar. I learnt how to play C,D,E,G chord. YAY !! Thx Leroy !!!! Im gonna practice everyday. Fingers hurting slightly from all the pressing lor. XD

My Birthday Cake !!!

Itachi's Ring from Ke Li

Playing pool

Car racing

Waiting for dinner !!

Still waiting for dinner !!

Rockband-ing !

Taicho owning at the drums !!

Taicho the Champion !!

Taicho playing 'giuter'

Nice right ????? i love it lor !!

My new best friend !!!
FootNotesTo Taicho : Thx for coming, Taicho-sama !!! =D You have been the best Taicho ever despite always borrowing money and returning them really really late or showering ppl with your raucous shouts, sometimes with colourful words in them. Deep down i know you are one of the most caring friend :) Thx for all the happy times when i was with you. You make me wanna walk with you. =)
To Dr Lee : Thx Dr Lee for being my bro !! Thx for the good times and bad times that we were in together. Thx for the chocolates !!! I havent eat them yet though. =D
To V : Thx for coming V !!! Must eat more next time !!!
To Ke Li : Thx Bro !!!!! I love the ring ! im wearing it now lor !! Anyways thx for always lending a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. You always been there for me all the time !! I will never forget the the happy times together and when u said to me (well sms) : "What are brothers for?"
To Ben Khoo and Jer : THX FOR THE BAG GUYS !! You pppl can come up with the lamest ideas and answers lor !!! You really made my day and certainly make me laugh all the time !!! Thx GUYS !!!
To Leroy : THX FOR TEACHING ME PLAY GUITAR LEROY !!!!! OMG i was so happy lor !!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
To Wong Chong : Thx for coming Wong Chong !!! Stop playing bowling !!!!!
To AMPP : Hi AMPP !!~ You missed a fabulous time lor !!! Things would be more 'complete' with you around. Lol. Take care of yourself and i heard u got cramps while learning G chord. I didnt !!!!!!!! Hehhehehehehhe !!!!!! ok take care of yourself !!! Im so looking forward for your return.
To all the ppl i ever know and like : Thx Guys for the wonderful times that you have given me. I really appreacite it !!! Thx, my classmates, for accepting me. I'm now unstuck in my life.
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 11:42 AM