Saturday, April 18, 2009
OMG !!~ IM
Celebrating my birthday today !!!!!! LOL !!! NOT EVEN CLOSE LOR !!! still got 2 more weeks more lor !! Anyways gonna eat buffet !!!!!!!!! XD Yes im a glutton ! GET USE TO IT !!!!
Yesterday was then tiring lor. My thigh was still pain so i couldnt walk properly. Climbing up or down stairs and slopes was super painful ! Gah !!! Had SPA ytd . i was playing with the heating thingies coz the real chem teacher wasnt around and the substitude teacher was a vietnamnese. She pronounces very funnily lor. But theres still the singapore style in it . :X Alot of ppl were also taking my PSP to watch advent children on it or play DJ Max lor. My bring in the end i cannot play. Sian.

Wow my school has underground levels !!!!

Taicho and Bro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

METEOR !!!!!!!!!! RAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 11:57 AM