Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hey Hey Hey !!!! Finally weekend is here !!!!! Had Gp and Econs test and next week got Chem and Math test !!!! Nooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KE LI !!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE NOW AS OLD AS ME AND DR LEE !!!!! YAY !!!! XD I hoped you enjoyed yesterday.
Lol. Went to celebrate Ke Li's birthday yesterday with Taicho, Darice, Leroy, Mark (new person) and Ivan and Ying Hui (Im gonna call her Ping Hui). Dr Lee came late. We ate lots and lots of ice cream and played some number game which I didnt get picked as the 'lucky winner'. The lucky winner had to eat one scoop of ice cream but i devoured the whole thing anyways. XD
Bought birthday presents for certian people who birthdays are like coming and over liao. Today's cumara birthday lor !!! Happy birthday Cumara !!!!!! Pls dont be so bitchy !!!! XD
To Cloudtearx : Thanks for all the good times that you have spent with me !!! You have taught me one of the most valuable lessons of all. The lesson of friendship. I will never EVER forget you!!! And remember I love You !! Brotherly love hor !!! *hugs* =)

My alter Ego

Ohno !! Taicho drwning in water !!!!

Boring squash !!!

Darice the rockstar !!! WAH !!!

Taicho !!!!!!!!!

Birthday cake !! Yum~~

Birthday Boy !!! Together with birthday cake !!

Taicho and Ivan playing Tap Tap


I was too bored
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 12:08 PM