Saturday, March 21, 2009
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!!!!!!!!!! WHOLE HOLIDAY HAVE BEEN POLO-ING !!!! Everyday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!! -.- Only first day was slack coz we went to watch Race To Witch Mountain at Lido. Was quite an enjoyable movie lor then most of the polo ppl say : " NOT nice !!! so stupid !!! " I think they too mature and ths they have no imagination anymore. Whatever. Dont care them la. Most of them are super obnoxious, fellingless, think bout themselves only, love laughing at others and talking back, hypocritical and lazy. -.- Anyways have been training from 10-1, then 4.30-8. Tough right ???? Somemore have tuition after that wor. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Anyways went to celebrate Dr Lee Bday on thursday evening b4 rushing off to physics tuition. Friday was a slightly better day. Had to go pyscics tuition again-.-but then Sunday no need go. Met Dr Lee and V at pizza hut after that aroung 7.45 to celebrate his real bday. I ate some pasta and they shared a pizza. Added drumlets and some other stuff that taste ok ok only.
Then today went to wake Dr lee at like 10 then went out with him to Lido and watch Mall Cop. Was seroiusly one stupid and funny film lor. AMPP was right after all. Ate some tepenyaki for lunch but i hated it cox too much cabbage in it so i threw the cabbage away after eating the rest then went to eat Zinger. Yes im a Glutton.
To Dr Lee :Happy Birthday Bro !!!!!! Thx for all the happy times that u have given me. And no matter what happens, i will go through thick and thin with u , whichever one is bad , and we will laways be bros. =)

Rainy Monday

Commotion i guess.....

Ping Pong during free time

Making the charcoal for Ian's BBq. I do one lor

Camera shy ????
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:01 PM