Saturday, February 28, 2009

Had quite an "interesting" week . Let's review :


Monday was quite nerve-jumping. We get to know who our tutorial teachers are. Rmbr the horrible physics lecturere i was telling u ppl about ? IT TURNED OUT SHE IS MY CLASS TUTORIAL TEACHER !!!!!!!! ZOMG !!!! *FAINTS* The whole class was in an uproar and most of us were cursing and swearing ! Chinese class was lame lor !!! The chinese teacher started her introduction with (translated into english) " hi my name is Mdm Sim . S I M ! Does anybody know where S I M is ???? " After giving dumb answers , her answer was " NO ! IT'S RIGHT INFRONT OF U !!!! " OMG !!! LAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that had PE lor. Then straight after PE got waterpolo -.- 5 hours of workout in total !!!! SUPER TIRING !!!!!Went to sleep early that night.


Hmmm......... lets seeeeeeeee...... Nth happened much on Tuesday cept that we het to know our Econs teacher and i had to go for Econs tuition from 8-10 again. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. But i didnt sleep this time.


ZOMG ! I was late for school!!!! Stoopid tupid bus came late !!!! Got Dc inthe end !! SOOO LAME LOR !!!! Wednesday was also got cross country lor ! ZOMG !!!!! It was at Bishan Park !!!!!! and after we walked for like 10 min, it strated raining like siao lor !!! EVERYONE WAS DRENCHED LOR !!!!!!!!! At first i walked in the rain then after that ran to the nearest shelter when lightning activity increased. Our bags that were put tunder tents had been whisked to the nearest HDB void deck so that it wont be wet however those files that ppl carried around in thier hands were soak too which means all the contents have became soft vegetables XD Luckily i went home first and changed my bag and all the contents i brought were not paper so the damage to me was like only my bag got covered by grass thats all. So in the end the cross country was cancelled . Hooray !!! After that went to meet Taicho and Ke Li at Taka. Stacy came later and joined us. Went to eat Seoul Garden agin lor !!! XD Had a very fun time espacially since Taicho was there and the rest of the company. XD We ate from like 7-9.15 lor !!! Gluttons !!!! XD


Thursday was horrible. Woke up with very bad sore throat and cough. During school , came down with fever, 38.1 degrees !!!!! Still, i manage to get through the day plus DC and the long bus ride home. Mom helped me do massage to let the heat out of my body and it worked. fever went down to 37.3 !! slept early that day also.


ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!!! FOUNDERS DAY !!!!! IT was the most boring founders day in the history of founders day !!!!!! I mean we just sat there and stone and watch ppl receive awards and thats about it . Listened to 5 LONG SPEECHES BY SOME IMPORTANT PPL WHO I DONT KNOW AT ALL CEPT FOR THE PRINCIPLE. the guest of honour was some ang moh person lor !!!!!!! He was the high commisioner for Singapore or something like that. The only good thing was that we can go home early. After Founders day, went to see doctor then went home eat. Mum brought me out to go find the math tuition teacher's house. Then played com the whole day and was playing pranks on many ppl by copying spongebob. XD

AIya just walk lah !!!

Bro and Taicho !!!!

New version of food playing : making fried rice with carbon


Cloud~Keep Floating On~

Cloud blogged at 10:48 AM