Thursday, January 22, 2009
Have been doing nothing much recently . Have been doing lots and lots of chores and whats not . Well have been preparing for Chinese New Year these few days . Painting walls , cleaning windows, cutting shrubs and ribbon-ing potted plants...... Got somemore lor !!! XD So anyways today get NEW bedsheet, blanket , pillow and bolster covers . Yay !!! However dont know what to say if it's nice or ugly lor. Then today had to peel pei kueh (Gingko nuts) also. Then went dentist to check teeth. After that went to buy Ang Ku Kueh , Peng Kueh, Or Tao and glutinous rice. Bought 10 pieces for Dr Lee and then went to his house early to swim cause house under repair and the keep tripping so cant watch TV, cant play com, cant play Xbox or Ps3. So went to Dr Lee house and swim lor. Then after that he had to go ACJC for some assessing thingy . Followed him cause i had nothing to do XD. First person we saw was my brother's fren then my brother lor. Waved to them and they said hi and then left for tuition. When Dr Lee was being assessed, met V and brought her around then finally sat down at the bleachers and talk and let her play with Brownie and eat chips XD. Went home together when Dr Lee finish and came home play com.

nICE ANOT ?????
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:00 PM