Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hey guys ! Today was quite a fun day ! Woke up in the morning at bout 7.35 and ate breakfast. Ate something called brandy butter on my bread. Smelled really weird but tasted surprisingly nice. Then went to submit my JAE form . H ad to ask Ben Khoo for help lor !! SO PAISEH !!!! XD After that went to visit Mrs Lum, my old primary school tuition teacher, with my mum. My mum bought so many things lor. I think she bought at least $300 dollars worth of items such as the nian gao that i had to go collect plus chinese new year goodies plus some cooking oil that is hard to get and shitake mushrooms. Listened her talk and talk to my mum. She was super happy that i got an A2 for litreture and she's gonna brag it to her other current students. XD Then went to meet Dr Lee at his house . Apparently his neck was aching due to his sleeping position the night before. Poor thing lor . Then went to meet Ke Li at Orchard mrt. Then walked to Taka to eat OMU rice but however got no seating place so we da pao Tori Q and ate at the fountain . V came at 1.00 and ate the same thing. Nakata Taicho came and tagged along too cause apparently his kindergarden friend whom he was supposed to go out with ditched him !!! Oh so petty!!! If i see that person , i'm gonna attack him/her for ditching my Taicho !!! JK !!XD
After that we walked around Taka . Dr Lee was trying to find a shirt with mandrin collar. I dont even know got such thing. Then went to centre point. I bought my trunks there and walk walk more there. Then went to Far East to find more things. Went to the desert stall first and eat there. The ice-cream shavings dont look like ice lor ! The ones with green colouring looked like vegetable lor !! XD After that walked around there. Helped Ke Li to buy shirts. Then in the end me and Taicho also buy also. XD 0ne peice for $25. Discounted somemore. I bought one which says I heart( picture of a heart with the words "never been to" on it) N Y . Wanted to buy another piece but scared no money later. Then we went to BK at Liat Towers there for a rest. It was bout 5 so grabbed a drink and talked talked talked.Nakata Taicho ate a burger plus fries. V bought some kind of nuggets . V left home first then the rest of us split up. Went home and ate dinner.

Illegal gathering !!!!!! No lah !!! XD


Toss~Toss~ Jking !

Nakata Taicho and Dr Lee
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 8:30 PM