Saturday, January 16, 2010
Its the 1st week of school. It has been rather diffrent thats what i can say. I didnt rmbr some ppl's name lor So ps !! classmate somemore !!! Hahhha !! Oh well that's just me !! :)
We had teacher for all H2 subjects.The chem one was changed to some fierce fierce teacher that can intimidate like everyone in the whole class lro!!!. Then during chem practical when she was standing infront of me, i coudnt move my hands properly coz i was too afraid that she will start yelling at me. After the chem class then we could have a breather. Phew~~
Anyways Open house was on Wednesday and I HAD TO DO EVERYTHING !!! SETTING UP I DO !!!MANNING THE BOOTH I DO !!! CLOSING DOWN I DO !! OMG !! MOST OF THE REST OF MY TEAMATES ARE F*CKING USELESS !!! i came down with a fever too and i had to pack the whole thing with my fever. Zzzzzz. So lame !!!! I also had to do the notice board up !!! So LAME LOR !!!So i didnt go training on Wednesday.
Friday was mass PE day. I ate expired cheese the day before so i wasnt feeling well. But i still did it anyways. It was relatively easy lor !!! Just hate the running. I with i could run faster. Then had the fierce fierce woman 1 hour tutorial-.-. After school Sandra, Qi Quan and I went to IKEA to eat. Ate the black pepper salmon and two chicken wings. After that QQ became high and then they started playing in IKEA. I was busy taking pictures of them and videoing them. It was super retarded !!!!! i cant show the video coz i promised them. Lol
Had training and again i was subjected to lots of bullying and everything. It's really immature of them i guess. I want to quit but i cant coz i think they might screw lots of admin things since the capain's answers to my questions is " i dunno"
-.- x 10000. Two more months then i will be free from most of them. Cant wait. I also need to mentor the J1's and update the waterpolo board again since i hate the first one.

QQ and sandra

QQ and Sandra x-change bag

Sandra and QQ on a bed

Sandra and QQ on another bed.
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 1:55 PM