What a day yesterday was ! Had GP tuition after that had the Christmas party !! Ben and Bro came first with a log cake (Thx ben !!) Played Band Hero and then Leory and Duckie came. Played more Band Hero till jeremy come and played more Band Hero. After that set off for the restaurant outside my house. Then Cumara and John Au came together. Lucky they never got lost. After that Taicho came. Apparently there was a taffic jam at bukit timah so they were late. Ordered CHILLI CRAB, hor fan, fried rice, hotplate tofu,fried egg, sambal kang kong, oyster sauce kai lan, 20 man tou,thai fish head curry, white rice for everyone. SOOOO FULLLLLL !!!!!! After that went back to my house. Showed cumara,duckie and john au around my house coz they nvr been there before while the rest played mahjong in the basement. After that ben, cumara, john au and i were watcing mtv in the living room. We were talking about random and funny stuff. I laughed till i cried again. lol. cumara was so funnyyyy !!! He was talking about big bird from sesame street dying. Its was so funnyyyyyy !!! Laughed non-stop. At 10 cumara and john Au left and we continued playing band hero LOL ! Then cut ben's log cake. outside was minty but inside was really nice ! Really appreaciate it ben ! then distribute presents to everyone. =) Ate jeremy's donuts. He bought like 20 !!!! Cannot eat finish. LOlllll !!! Then continued with band hero !!!! Lol !! Whole night band hero ! Duckie and Leroy left at 11.30 later then ben and jer left. Taicho and bro decided to stay over. Lol i was Really excited coz it was my FIRST TIME one of my OWN FRENS sleepover. We played Band Hero all the way to 2 !!!! First time stayed up till so late to play !!! After that bring extra mattress and pillow and blanket up to my room. Then bathe ( not tgt) and then play PSP and read comics and talk rubbish till 3.30am !! OMG !!!! CAN DIE !!! Slept all the way to like 9 smth then woke up and sleep again and then wake up and sleep till 10.45. P ack everything, freshen up and then we all went city hall.
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 7:36 PM
The Cloud
My name is Lucas Tan. Like the Cloud, I want to roam the vast open Sky.
I want to Go wherever I want,with no Limit, no Restrictions, with the Wind as my companion