Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Back from Cca-AB Camp (CCA Advisory Board) it was sooooo tiring but i had sooo much fun. I was actually happy to go there. Learnt alot there. Learnt alot of my captain, Edward too. I actaully was in the same group as Terry. Yilin was there too but not in my tgroup. Met alot of new friends too. When i got back i had a new Iphone 3GS waiting for me. Thanks daddy and mummy !!!! love ya !!! Apparently my mum also had smth wrong with her thigh nerves so she had to go for an operation. She bled alot ytd. Better today, Wishing her a speedy recovery. =)
Tmr need to go paint banner AGAIN but this time with the girls polo team. Hope they can amenfd the horrible horrible one that the guys did.-.-

Cloud~Keep Floating On~

Cloud blogged at 10:08 PM