Sunday, May 24, 2009
Rar ! Sunday is bout to finish ! Tmr have to go school ! Have to wake up early again ! T-T Spent the whole morning trying to do mathematical induction. Fail lor ! So hard ! Gave up and went to use com. Muahhahahhahah ! Went to physics tuition again but in the afternoon wor. After that went to great world to eat the new Kushinbo Restaurant. Was quite nice lor ! Ithink im getting fatter even running alot. XD shyt ! MUST SLIM DOWN !!!!
Yesterday went to dentist to polish my teeth !! Now they're pearly white ! yay ! Then had chinese tuition for like 4 hours !!!!! Almost died !!! Whose great idea huh? But was ok lar. Got ppl like Jun wei and the frankenstein girl who is super smart there to talk to. She was so scared of the girls toilet lor !!!! Dont know why. Never go thet toilet b4. Then went home. Relatives were there and there was a heated discussion bout rebellious teenagers. Cousin having problems now. Haiz *shake head* Hope they sort out that problem soon.
Hiaz better get rdy for school tmr. Still need to pack bag. ZZZZZZZZZZ !!!!

Desert counter~

Crab galore~

OMG !!!!~~

*Mouth watering*~~~

i didnt eat them in the end.LOL !!!~~

*Mouth watering even more* ~~

Bamboo clam ~~

Plaing with my chocolate~~
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:07 PM