Sunday, April 12, 2009
Went to meet Ke Li at his house again but this time to go with him to expo for his church PLAY. Taicho came also. =) Eunice and Darice were there too. The play was tittled " The Last Solution . Can science cahnge the defects of mankind ???" or something like that. XD Was quite ok. Only surprising thing was that there were people speaking chinese in rome lor. XD After that dilly dally then wait for people then Taicho and Ke Li started doing their school cheer to let Eunice see. Was super retArded but funny lor. After that made our way to Suntec. Ate super late lor !!!!!!!!! Met Taicho new friend , Lily but apparently Taicho called her Nina so i also follow call her Nina. XD Quickly rush home and do newspaper cutting finish. Tmr still have to do PI lor . Stoopid project work. Later still got physics tuition to go learn. Mega sian.



Finally !!! Can go le ~!~!~!~ PACK PACK PACK
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 6:27 PM