Sunday, March 29, 2009
Yesterday went to celebrate cousins 21st birthday at a chalet at Downtown East. So smelly lor the place !!!!!!!!! Everybody there is like pratically barbecuing lor !!!!!!!!!!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!!! So hot the place somemore !!!! No wind blowing coz all the houses all surrounding us. ZZZZZZZ!!!! Ate lots of satay. Quite nice leh ! Stayed there for like 1 hour+++ then went home coz nobody could stand the smoke. Reached home with clothes that smelled like bbq . Yucksssssssssss.

First time loh i step here

Beware : hot chicken wings becoming carbon. Eat at your own risk

So many ppl i dont neo
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 1:51 PM