Friday, June 19, 2009
Well things have more or less settled here in the house with my Mum's temper decreasing. Yesterday night was a lovely evening indeed. With merry laughter and almost everybody's presence was there. Jeremy was damn screwed up lol Made everyone laugh like mad. Had a great day. Anyways went to put my spacer this morning. Took like 2 min to put lor then walk around Borders awhile to find a book but cannot find. Then went to find Dr Lee. He won two silver medal in the team event !!!! Yay !! Im so proud of him!!!! Now i can go around sating :" Im the best friend of a national chess player who won two silver medal in the ASEAN Nationals !!!" Lol. However he got food poisioning also. Same like jer. Lol
Oh Well exam round the corner. Revised Math like siao lor. Now need is physics,chem and econs to revise. ZZZZZZZ. Sian
Cloud~Keep Floating On~

Look everyone is smiling =)

Dr Lee's medals

Welcome Back dr leeeeeeeeeeeee
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:13 PM