Sunday, December 28, 2008
Today was suppose to go jogging with Dr Lee again at 7 however when i woke up got lot lots of dark clouds so decided to skip jogging and then at around 10.05 am, Dr lee came to my house to help my pack my Christmas tree . I know got 12 days of Christmas however my mum say pack earlier better. I don't know what so "better" bout it but just do it lah. Then gave Dr Lee a curry puff to eat cause he didn't eat breakfast for some reason. Then we watch "That's So Raven" before he go off.

Dr Lee Helping Me

Dr Lee Watching Tv Position
After he went off, we went to the market at Ah Moy street to eat the fish slice there. While my father queued for it, we bought meepok (standard drop ) , chicken rice ( only the chilli was nice) and oyster pancake ( i didn' try it though ) to eat. My meimei gobbled everything down (again). Waited for at least 30 minutes for the fish slice cause got long queue. The fish slice was still nice and went very well with ginger and cut chilli. After that went to Carefour at Suntec to buy our grocery. Here's the total amount : $1037.15 . XD Fortunetly, this includes 36 bottles of red wine my father bought for his hampers. so the actual amount would only be 200++ only. After that we went to Robinsons at Centre Point. We parked at OG instead of the carpark at Centre Point cause the carpark was super full but there was still a long queue waiting outside. There, my father bought a bag for himself , office-use kind, and we wanted to buy a set of pots that cost $810 but was on offer so it was $150 but my father didn't want it so we dropped the idea.
Went home and ate chicken curry and tea-leaf eggs for dinner. Now waiting for Dr Lee to come back from church to discuss tomorrow's plans.

My Fish Slice

Imagine How Many Meepok You Can Eat !
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 6:11 PM