Saturday, December 27, 2008
OMG !!!!!!!!!!! Today had to go grandma's place to go spring clean her house !!! I had "jet" her balcony for her this time. I thought my jetting days were over lor. So unfair lor !!! I had to mop floor plus clean window plus clean the ceiling fan somemore !!! My meimei came also but she did nothing useful . She just sat her butt on the couch and watch TV lor. The rest of the children all stayed at home and do don't know what. After doing the chores, my mum bought chicken rice for me to eat.XD Reached home bout 2.30 and waited for Dr Lee to come. However he was stuck somewhere so he couldn't make it and so he's coming tmr. NOOO !!! MY YOGURT !!!!!! XD

One of the fences which i have to jet
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 3:00 PM