Monday, April 18, 2011
LOL ! hahas hav been quite a long time since i blogged !! hahas ! hmm... anyways here is what I have done :
Lucas went out with jing jie and frens alot
Lucas went to see Dr Lee, AMPP and WC Passing out parade but cannot find WC :(
Lucas is now at hillview camp doing duty
Lucas understudied overnight duty and found it was ok, just need more sleep haha ~!!
Lucas miss his best fren (Dr Lee) !! :)
Lucas need to buy bday present for jer and leroy !!
Lucas is planning his bday celebration but damn lazy... dont feel like celebrating
Lucas ate DURIAN YTD !! RAWR !!
Lucas playing psp in camp haha !!
Hahaha !! :)

Jing Jie and Vanka !!

Vanka and another huge pizza !

Scenery at POP


AMPP, me and Dr Lee !!
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 8:52 PM