Thursday, September 2, 2010
200th post !!! Haha !!! Prelims is over !! Yes !! i know i screwed up econs... but i managed to do finish the case study properly !! Yay !!

I'm not gonna stop moving forward. Even though the road ahead is a small pathway, with captivating beauty or just plain creepy filled with loneliness... Life is like this forest path. It is winding and sometimes confusing or hard to thread through. One may keep going in circles (or squares depending...) when one is lost. But believe in yourself and those around you; your family and friends, your best friend and those that mean so much to you, and keep moving on and you will get to a better place. And most importantly, don't forget to smile. :)
Anyways went to eat Rotary with Dr lee, Bro, Taicho, Leroy and Duckie on Wednesday. It was delicious !! Ate so much sausage !! Hahaha !! Here are some pics:

Bro and Dr Lee

Taicho, Duckie and Leroy

Duckie and Leroy

Taicho talking bout Dota with Dr Lee

Taicho !!!!
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 9:57 PM