Tuesday, June 22, 2010
AMPP CAME BACK !! WOOHOO !!! HE's still the same helpful, cheerful sociable person !! Only changes were that he got back his ang moh accent and when he say singapore slang like "lor", "lar", "wa lao", its coated with ang moh accent. It was creepy but funny at the same time =). His tolerance of chilli has significantly deteriorated as when we ate mee pok he was perspiring all over and needed to get a drink. He eats more than me !!! 0_0
We went out to tpy comple to run and swim to help him with his napfa which is tmr. (hope he wont pass out during running) then went to swim. Then we went with rest of ppl, usual gang who change all their timings for tuition or meeting just to see ampp, and watched toy story 3 at PS. It was quite a good movie. Better than the other toy stories which are lame. We walked to Ion to let ampp see Ion then we talked talked talked and finally decided to come back to my house to play band hero. Wong Chong came also after his conference thingy to play also!! Haha !! We played and sang alot !!! Haha ate Astons for dinner too ~!! Haha !! ampp brings back so many nolstalgic memories !! :D
I remembered who I was


Leroy and his guitar

Bro and BK

Taicho !!

Wong Chong singing !! Muhahaha !!
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:10 PM