Saturday, April 17, 2010
Well Weekend is here. Lots of chem homework !!! Sianz !! Stupid Supreme Lao Wu Puo (Chem teacher) gave us so much homework that she can't even go through properly coz she don't have alot of time -.-
Got a B for PW. Sian. Best part is Yanling that did ALL the work didn't get an A whereas those that put in the min effort got an A. -.- Porr Yanling... Oh well that's life. Just gotta move on. Life will smile at you soon. =) Just keep smiling !! And Life will treat u betterly
Anyways Polo got 4th place.... Sianz Haiz... Pity ppl of my level. 2 4th place medals.... Think can at least get 1 bronze also not so bad but noooooo. Life sucks !! Oh well that's life. Just move on !!!


First time holding this kind of throphy

RJC won Gold again... Yay...
Cloud~Keep Floating On~
Cloud blogged at 10:25 PM